Ended ProjectThe idea for the project FAITH arises from a simple striking realization: the advent of mass commercial, free to use, accessible AIs in our societies. At the moment of writing there are many thousands of new AI tools available online, specialized in all kinds of sectors of human endeavor, and this is only considering those...

Ended ProjectObjectives
-to build up stronger key competences for trainers and adult educators,
-to product innovative pedagogic resources that use the different artistic disciplines to build key competences for inclusion within the target group and the presentation of these new resources in digital formats in a digital toolbox...

H. Geniuses
Ended ProjectThe main objective of this project is to help disadvantaged young people and reveal potential geniuses. We believe that there are some hidden treasures that are waiting to be discovered and helped. They will be discovered, trained and guided. They will be encouraged to learn and develop new skills...

Ended ProjectInnovative teaching materials will be developed in the field of Blockchain, in order to contribute to the problem of incompatibility with the workforce, which is one of the biggest problems of VET. The content of the training material will be developed in the concept of climate change, carbon footprint, green EU and ICT...

Ended ProjectThe objectives of this project are based on providing adults with the necessary tools and skills to bridge the digital divide through training based on the development of digital competences and making them digitally literate, as well as helping them to advance in society in terms of ICT, thus improving their...

Ended ProjectVET education in many countries, lacks of high-end applications, and modern instructional tools such as VR technology. Although trainers acknowledge that they need some constant skill improvement, they also do not find educational opportunities and curriculums to improve their skillset and...

AI Cosmic
Ended ProjectAI-Cosmic aims to familiarize primary school kids with the 5 big ideas in artificial intelligence(AI) through gamified learning activities and introduce them to basic coding skills that are aligned with their level of knowledge and education, promote coding and AI in schools, enhance teachers’ digital...

Ended ProjectClimate change and environmental problems are of critical importance in our era. Since the importance of such big-scale matters can only be effectively comprehended by activity-level, this project was chosen as a means for reaching this goal.
We applied for this project so that we can all live in a world that is greener and...

Ended ProjectBy 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be aged 60 years or over. At this time the share of the population aged 60 years and over will increase from 1 billion in 2020 to 1.4 billion. By 2050, the world’s population of people aged 60 years and older will double (2.1 billion). The number of persons aged 80 years or...

Ended ProjectThe VITAL project is motivated by the EU's Green Deal Action Plan and the exploitation of two Erasmus+ priorities – the fight against climate change combined with digital transformation in this case in the adult education sector. Various studies, statistics and surveys show that the rate of natural resource extraction is rapidly growing and...

Am I Safe
Ended ProjectThe rapid increase in cybercrime, which has gained a new dimension with each passing day, and the concerns that arose in the psychology of the society, made it more important to protect personal data and to take measures in this context. Especially, while high-cost solutions are developed...

Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
2021 is the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, which aims to raise awareness on the nutritional and health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption. Unfortunately, of the total amount of food that is produced globally for human consumption, roughly one-third of the world’s...
Ended ProjectWith the pandemic that is devastating Europe and the imminent economic crisis that is already spreading throughout the world, what can be considered a reconstruction, reconstitution or a renewal of political, social and economic paradigms is imposed. Furthermore, the...

Ended ProjectThe partner organisations in the project share the common observation that members of Roma ethnic groups have difficulties in understanding healthy lifestyles or in understanding the health system in general, or that their knowledge in the field of health is very weak. We observe that...

Ended ProjectThrough the project Ambassadors of Green Professions, we want to promote green jobs among students of vocational and technical schools in the partner countries. We also want to popularize the green competences of the future and make people interested in ecology. Moreover, we want to participate in the development of...

Ended Project1. Equip post-secondary VET providers with resources on accessible web design
2. Increase and encourage the inclusion of people with any kinds of disabilities online
3. Enrich the professional competences and the employment prospects of web developers
4. Increase the readiness of the stakeholders for the implementation of the European Accessibility Act (EAA)

From Industry 4.0
Ended ProjectWith this project, it is aimed to increase the digital skills of youth workers of both institutions and to develop their institutional capacities in the context of digitalization. In addition, the mutual modeling of digital transformation experiences as a result of the interaction...

Ended ProjectDAS is a transnational project with different partners and it concerns various stakeholders its objectives and expected results and outcomes should analysed at different levels; namely its main target group, employers, project consortium and partners and European level. Main target group (displaced women employees) As it is explained below...

Ended ProjectThe general objective is to ensure equitable, inclusive and high quality digital skills education and training for women. Furthermore, we attempt To give visibility to the severity of the gender gap in digital skills; To promote digital skills...

Ended ProjectTogether for Tackling Cyberbullying (TOC) is a 24-month Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth aiming at raising awareness about Cyberbullying as well as at preventing violence among young people. According to UNICEF “Cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms...

Ended ProjectThe crisis triggered by the Corona pandemic has clearly shown European countries the importance of the competent use of digital tools and communication media for our society. Due to the required social distancing, virtual communication channels, such as video conferences, synchronous and...

Ended ProjectThe Commission in its EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 individualised a set of Actions towards the preservation of biodiversity. Among those the Action 9 “Better target Rural Development to biodiversity needs and develop tools to help farmers and foresters work together towards biodiversity conservation” highlights the necessity to develop rural strategies...

The Memory Of History
Ended ProjectCultural heritage has a clear European dimension which calls for joint action at European level. An integrated and participatory approach to cultural heritage is at the core of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage...

Ended ProjectThe project has been created in response to the challenges revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent accelerated digitization of teaching and learning processes in HE that has put some students, especially SEND students, in an unequal position when they try to participate in digital education.

Ended ProjectThe MET-VET project will support the greening process and broader European environmental and sustainability goals and objectives by developing an innovative set of tools that support environmental awareness...

Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Toolkit
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The project will meet the needs of each participant: to advance its own representation in the market, apply its own competence, merge the competences and develop...
Ended ProjectThe project focuses on the subject of key competences, taking into account the needs of people over 50. Key competences are those competences that everyone needs for self-realization and personal development, employment...

ABA – our new view in special education
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The elements of ABA science can be used not only in children with autism education, but also wide applicability in working with children with mental retardation, with social, emotional and behavioral disorder...
How to help the unemployed entrants with talent support
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The most urgent challenge of the European Union to help the entrants and the young people to step into labor market, and reduction of the unemployed people's number. As the statistics show, the low-educated people are disadvantaging...
Let-s make our school more international
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. > Firstly, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in...
United in Diversity
Ended ProjectThe United in Diversity small scale strategic partnership project will also increase adult educators’ capacity to work and provide key tools for social cohesion, community empowerment, citizen participation and social inclusion...

Ended ProjectThe development of linguistic competence is one of the eight key competencies promoted by the EC. Despite Member States commitment to the promotion of foreign languages through enacting...

Ended ProjectBoth EU Parliament and EC highlight the role of social media in distribution of disinformation, undermining EU democracy and questioning our European common values...

Ended ProjectWhen we talk about "transition" we risk falling into the naivety of being able to transport the current system from one point to another but, as young people all over the world are pointing...

Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
This project aims to create practical and hands-on training resources and results that will help adults, adult trainers and SMEs in the tourism sector adopt sustainable tourism principles...
Ended ProjectThe increasingly pervasive digital transformation, exacerbated by the Covid-19 health emergency, has catapulted contemporary societies into a climate of continuous change...

Ended ProjectCultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) have been among the most negatively affected since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. If before, CCS institutions already struggled to respond...

Ended ProjectEven though European countries are showing positive motion towards the implementation of digital learning solutions, the Covid-19 pandemic is limiting and disturbing the ways VET...

Ended ProjectThe Active Citizens - Digital Citizens (ACDC) project focuses on the topic of digital citizenship and aims to create a comprehensive methodology based on a holistic approach that will build the capacity of youth workers from 5 countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Greece , Ireland and Portugal, in this field, and will benefit young people in their communities, through local activities...

Ended ProjectThe impact of technological solutions on development has been monumental, spurring innovations in health, finance, commerce, and a number of other sectors. However...

Culture, Digital Competences Ended ProjectEmerging information and communication technologies (ITC) and digitalization have been substantially changing the way the tourism industries operate and tourism businesses need to be well equipped to remain competitive and sustainable, provide quality service and engage travelers and fully capture opportunities in the digital marketplace...

Ended Project
The project titled “Innovative Creative Multiple Therapy Methods for Morbidities”, whose short name is NEWCRE has been prepared in cooperation with 5 countries from ES, NL, TR, FR, PT.
The expertise and experience of the project partners…

DSA: Digital Skills for All
Ended Project
The “DS4All” project develops over two years, during which the Partners will activate a virtuous circle of exchange, which will have as its primary focus the experimentation of innovative teaching methodologies integrated with digital tools,…

3D Digital VET
Ended Project
The greater impact will be at European/international level*Through the development of a short training course for health professionals that addresses the difficulties of introducing evidence and clinical guidelines into routine daily practice…

DigitALL Schools
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The proposal aims to foster the use of 3D technology in the medical sector through the introduction of a 3D online library for diagnostic and training materials. In order to take full advantage of the valuable training resources represented…
Development of hybrid training in VET
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
THE AIM of the initiated project is to introduce and develop hybrid-simulation training, which is proven and widely used in higher education (especially in medical studies), in VET. It is medical studies that prove that this method of teaching…
Improving Cybersecurity readiness of the European Vocational education and training sector
Ended Project
The European Union is facing an epochal challenge represented by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many sectors are strongly hitted by this crises and education is certainly one of them. More and more users are now forced to use online classes or training,…

Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.'-James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)Upon Erasmus 2nd Call,Covid-19 'Partnerships For Creativity' we, 6 partners- Sweden, Greece, Romania, Spain, Turkey…
Safe Digital Marketing for Agripreneurs
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The digital world has covered every aspect of our life. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic spread all over the world, people had to carry out all communication and business online more than ever before. Growing with the digital world, digital…
Digit@l Literacy Portal
Ended Project
This project aims to create an e-learning platform to provide individuals, who take part in every field of life like social, business and communication such opportunities to access correct and reliable information, analyse, question, evaluate…

New technologies threats for elderly
Ended Project
New technologies help people 65+ find easier a job, get online training, obtain new skills. For their leisure time and hobbies social media provide opportunities for making friends, attending cultural/sports events, sharing photos, videos,…

Promoting a Safe Use of Internet Against Cyberbullying
Ended Project
Cyberbullying of vulnerable young people is a reality and an increasing concern among all Erasmus+ countries. The recent events and heavy reliance on the internet caused by the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the need for an urgent response that…

Awareness and Preventions Skills on Cyberbullying and Online Hate Speech for shools children
Ended Project
Proposed project addresses the needs of partner organizations to have better prepared for the challenges informational society brings to our lives. Online dimension and the potential negative impact on democratic development amplifies its risks…

The “A” class
Ended Project
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder that affects everyone to a different degree. It can be termed as a lifelong complex developmental disorder, which is characterised by a triad of qualitative impairments in social communication, social…

Positive Parenting (P+)
Ended Project
One of the biggest challenges parents often face is managing their child behaviour. Especially for parents of children with autism (ASD), behavioural challenges can be even greater due to the child’s skill deficiencies (i.e communication).…

Not left behind children
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
No child left behind is a project initiated by the Noi Re-Cream Association based in Timisoara, Romania and realised in partnership with organization from five different European countries: Promipresa (Italy), Synthesis (Cyprus), KMOP (Greece),…
Social inclusion for seniors by sport
Ended Project
The project assumes cooperation in the adult sector. As part of the project, the team of sports coaches based on the objectives set out below, will jointly develop a program of sport and recreational activities. The new program will be tested…

Ended Project
‘’Geeks for Education’’ is a European Erasmus+ project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080023), with a duration of 36 months, ending on August 31, 2023 and encourages collaboration and synergies between school education, industry and non-formal…

Ended ProjectIP4J project would like to develop, test and introduce a brand-new approach to the work-based learning for low-skilled and migrants starting from the career orientation/guidance and providing practical VISUAL training tools (booklet, videos, APP) for...

New Skills Development in Precision Agriculture
Ended Project
In 2010 European Commission proposed a 10 – year strategy which was triggered by the economic and social crisis that Europe fell into those years. The Europe 2020 Strategy has been the EU's agenda for growth and jobs over the decade. It emphasises…

Diversity Youth Manager
Ended Project
Digital literacy and 21st century skills play a crucial role, because all young people will have to have technological and digital skills & a flexible approach at work for the future and in everyday life. Therefore, the development and…

The Introduction Journey to the Game Development for NEETs
Ended Project
Game industry is a highly advanced technological sector. Involvement in games development, no matter if at professional level or as a hobbyist, provides the person with an important skill set which is important for their digital skills.

Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by Increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era
Ended Project
Disadvantaged young people from migrant/ minority communities those that are not media literate face multiple difficulties to function fully in a digital society and this affects their full and responsible online participation. Furthermore,…

Traditions, ethics and etiquette
Ended Project
The aim of the project is our participation in handling possible misunderstandings and preceding conflicts when coming into contact with people from other countries. It is important in a current situation in migration and tourism.
The priority…

Reducing Early Leaving in VET
Ended Project
Early leaving from education and training (ELET) is a serious issue in many EU countries and has attracted the attention of many researchers, policy-makers and educators. Although the situation varies across countries and the underlying reasons…

Youth work 2.0
Ended Project
Youth work plays an important role in enhancing social inclusion.
The aim of the project is to facilitate the exchange of competences and experience between 2 organisations from Romania and Spain to improve their youth work quality, through…

Parents’ skills as job opportunity
Ended Project
Being a parent seems to be an obstacle for employment and it causes often dropouts at work, especially for mothers . At the same time to become parents forces people to acquire precious skills that are required in the job market. Being a parent…

Code Your Future
Ended Project
This project we are doing is a work with innovative objectives in the field. It is envisaged to make a platform where the use of coding and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in our project will be more attractive to teachers and…

Developing Farmers’ Digital Skills
Ended Project
“Developing Farmers' Digital Skills” Erasmus+ KA2: Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
The project is the result of a strong partnership with different European and Turkish organisations. The main goal is to bring farmers a…

European Lived Culture Connects
Ended Project
Traditions, habits and values are the backbone of our societies. People usually consider the place where their enculturation took place as their home. They identify with their societies and the latter gives them security and the standard they…

Development of environmentally-friendly (green) training for specialists in the construction sector
Ended Project
Most experts agree that over the next few decades, the world will undergo potentially dangerous changes in climate, which will have a significant impact on almost every aspect of our environment, economies and societies, and also, the built…

REnewed Models for the Inclusion of Disadvantaged Adults
Ended Project
The R.E.M.I.D.A. project intends to contribute to countering the problem of social exclusion of over-45 disadvantaged adults, in line with the actions implemented by Member States. Unemployment in the more adult age group risks to become crystallized…

Disability Youth Worker
Ended Project
Digital literacy and 21st century skills play a crucial role, because all young people will have to have technological and digital skills & a flexible approach at work for the future and in everyday life.Therefor, the development and promoting…

The Spirit of Europe
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectDigital Transformation Awards 2023 by Salto Joven
Play is an important activity for people of all ages. And since it essentially delivers learning regardless of genre, its content may be enriched with whatever knowledge the designer manages to accommodate while still keeping the product as…
Ended Project
The WE ARE NOT DIFFERENT project proposal comes from a consortium of 4 organizations engaged in adult education: the SMART EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS Association (Romania), Inercia Digital (Spain), LatConsul (Latvia), Polaris (Italy). The consortium…

Ended Project
In recent years the usage of the technology is not for producing mostly for consumption.Especially in 21st century, there is a new generation who uses technology just for the social media or games.We aim to grow a generation that produces technology…

3D Printing in VET
Ended Project
Even though 3D printers have been around for almost 30 years, the recent rise of low-cost printers has led some to proclaim the onset of a new industrial revolution. Schools and libraries all over the world are bringing these powerful tools…

Ended Project
E-MPROVER is a project proposal for a cross-sectors partnership consisting of SEP (applicant organization), Infolog, Inercia Digital and IED. The purpose of this project is to contribute to the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities…

Media and information literacy in adult education
Ended Project
Media and information literacy in adult education" Erasmus+ strategic partnership project general objective is to exchange good practices and test innovative methods in media and information literacy. This will increase ability to think critically…

Made In EU/Safe Production in Children’s Wear
Ended Project
Due to the fact that children's textile products may be unsafe in the customs departments of the European Union, RAPEX (Rapid Alert System) notification is made and the products exported return from the customs. This situation prevents the…

Fostering Youth Initiatives through Social Entreprise Education
Ended Project
The main objective of the project is to equip youth workers from the participating organisations with the tools and knowledge to be able to train other youth workers and support young people in the development of new and innovative social entrepreneurial…

Developing STEM Competences with Robotics
Ended Project
According to recent estimates (McLeod, Scott and Fisch), around 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. We are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution…

ASSessing EFL StudentS
Ended Project
The project ASSESS aims to define innovative methods and tools for the assessment of EFL learners. Its main goal is to bring new approaches to assessment and contribute to development of evaluation consciousness. It also wants to support restoration…

Development of the Digital Marketing Competence of Adult Learners for Small and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in Europe
Ended Project
Emerging information and communication technologies (ITC) and digitalization have been substantially changing the way the tourism industries operate and tourism businesses need to be well equipped to remain competitive and sustainable, provide…

Change of Pace, Improve Learning Outcomes and Techniques
Ended Project
Without doubt, this digital era has affected our lives in many ways, among which education occupies a great part. Our students are all digital natives now, which means they are used to the high speed standards of this digital era. They live…

Transmission of Experience through Digitally Trained Senior Mentors to Mentees
Ended Project
Transmission of Experience through Digitally Trained Senior Mentors to Mentees (TEaTIME) project is a research-driven project aiming senior citizens who are regarded as digitally low-skilled but good at their current job and willing to transmit…

Ended ProjectObjectives: What do you want to achieve by implementing the project?
The "VET-Di.Ca.B" project pursues the following objectives:
- Facilitating the building of new partnerships and the exchange of peer-to-peer practices/experiences;
-Improving and strengthening the digital skills of VET trainers/ teachers/operators...

Ended ProjectThe idea for the project FAITH arises from a simple striking realization: the advent of mass commercial, free to use, accessible AIs in our societies. At the moment of writing there are many thousands of new AI tools available online, specialized in all kinds of sectors of human endeavor, and this is only considering those...

Ended ProjectObjectives
-to build up stronger key competences for trainers and adult educators,
-to product innovative pedagogic resources that use the different artistic disciplines to build key competences for inclusion within the target group and the presentation of these new resources in digital formats in a digital toolbox...

H. Geniuses
Ended ProjectThe main objective of this project is to help disadvantaged young people and reveal potential geniuses. We believe that there are some hidden treasures that are waiting to be discovered and helped. They will be discovered, trained and guided. They will be encouraged to learn and develop new skills...

Ended ProjectInnovative teaching materials will be developed in the field of Blockchain, in order to contribute to the problem of incompatibility with the workforce, which is one of the biggest problems of VET. The content of the training material will be developed in the concept of climate change, carbon footprint, green EU and ICT...

Ended ProjectThe objectives of this project are based on providing adults with the necessary tools and skills to bridge the digital divide through training based on the development of digital competences and making them digitally literate, as well as helping them to advance in society in terms of ICT, thus improving their...

Ended ProjectVET education in many countries, lacks of high-end applications, and modern instructional tools such as VR technology. Although trainers acknowledge that they need some constant skill improvement, they also do not find educational opportunities and curriculums to improve their skillset and...

AI Cosmic
Ended ProjectAI-Cosmic aims to familiarize primary school kids with the 5 big ideas in artificial intelligence(AI) through gamified learning activities and introduce them to basic coding skills that are aligned with their level of knowledge and education, promote coding and AI in schools, enhance teachers’ digital...

Ended ProjectClimate change and environmental problems are of critical importance in our era. Since the importance of such big-scale matters can only be effectively comprehended by activity-level, this project was chosen as a means for reaching this goal.
We applied for this project so that we can all live in a world that is greener and...

Ended ProjectBy 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be aged 60 years or over. At this time the share of the population aged 60 years and over will increase from 1 billion in 2020 to 1.4 billion. By 2050, the world’s population of people aged 60 years and older will double (2.1 billion). The number of persons aged 80 years or...

Ended ProjectThe VITAL project is motivated by the EU's Green Deal Action Plan and the exploitation of two Erasmus+ priorities – the fight against climate change combined with digital transformation in this case in the adult education sector. Various studies, statistics and surveys show that the rate of natural resource extraction is rapidly growing and...

Am I Safe
Ended ProjectThe rapid increase in cybercrime, which has gained a new dimension with each passing day, and the concerns that arose in the psychology of the society, made it more important to protect personal data and to take measures in this context. Especially, while high-cost solutions are developed...

Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
2021 is the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, which aims to raise awareness on the nutritional and health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption. Unfortunately, of the total amount of food that is produced globally for human consumption, roughly one-third of the world’s...
Ended ProjectWith the pandemic that is devastating Europe and the imminent economic crisis that is already spreading throughout the world, what can be considered a reconstruction, reconstitution or a renewal of political, social and economic paradigms is imposed. Furthermore, the...

Ended ProjectThe partner organisations in the project share the common observation that members of Roma ethnic groups have difficulties in understanding healthy lifestyles or in understanding the health system in general, or that their knowledge in the field of health is very weak. We observe that...

Ended ProjectThrough the project Ambassadors of Green Professions, we want to promote green jobs among students of vocational and technical schools in the partner countries. We also want to popularize the green competences of the future and make people interested in ecology. Moreover, we want to participate in the development of...

Ended Project1. Equip post-secondary VET providers with resources on accessible web design
2. Increase and encourage the inclusion of people with any kinds of disabilities online
3. Enrich the professional competences and the employment prospects of web developers
4. Increase the readiness of the stakeholders for the implementation of the European Accessibility Act (EAA)

From Industry 4.0
Ended ProjectWith this project, it is aimed to increase the digital skills of youth workers of both institutions and to develop their institutional capacities in the context of digitalization. In addition, the mutual modeling of digital transformation experiences as a result of the interaction...

Ended ProjectDAS is a transnational project with different partners and it concerns various stakeholders its objectives and expected results and outcomes should analysed at different levels; namely its main target group, employers, project consortium and partners and European level. Main target group (displaced women employees) As it is explained below...

Ended ProjectThe general objective is to ensure equitable, inclusive and high quality digital skills education and training for women. Furthermore, we attempt To give visibility to the severity of the gender gap in digital skills; To promote digital skills...

Ended ProjectTogether for Tackling Cyberbullying (TOC) is a 24-month Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth aiming at raising awareness about Cyberbullying as well as at preventing violence among young people. According to UNICEF “Cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms...

Ended ProjectThe crisis triggered by the Corona pandemic has clearly shown European countries the importance of the competent use of digital tools and communication media for our society. Due to the required social distancing, virtual communication channels, such as video conferences, synchronous and...

Ended ProjectThe Commission in its EU biodiversity strategy to 2020 individualised a set of Actions towards the preservation of biodiversity. Among those the Action 9 “Better target Rural Development to biodiversity needs and develop tools to help farmers and foresters work together towards biodiversity conservation” highlights the necessity to develop rural strategies...

The Memory Of History
Ended ProjectCultural heritage has a clear European dimension which calls for joint action at European level. An integrated and participatory approach to cultural heritage is at the core of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage...

Ended ProjectThe project has been created in response to the challenges revealed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent accelerated digitization of teaching and learning processes in HE that has put some students, especially SEND students, in an unequal position when they try to participate in digital education.

Ended ProjectThe MET-VET project will support the greening process and broader European environmental and sustainability goals and objectives by developing an innovative set of tools that support environmental awareness...

Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Toolkit
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The project will meet the needs of each participant: to advance its own representation in the market, apply its own competence, merge the competences and develop...
Ended ProjectThe project focuses on the subject of key competences, taking into account the needs of people over 50. Key competences are those competences that everyone needs for self-realization and personal development, employment...

ABA – our new view in special education
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The elements of ABA science can be used not only in children with autism education, but also wide applicability in working with children with mental retardation, with social, emotional and behavioral disorder...
How to help the unemployed entrants with talent support
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The most urgent challenge of the European Union to help the entrants and the young people to step into labor market, and reduction of the unemployed people's number. As the statistics show, the low-educated people are disadvantaging...
Let-s make our school more international
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. > Firstly, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in...
United in Diversity
Ended ProjectThe United in Diversity small scale strategic partnership project will also increase adult educators’ capacity to work and provide key tools for social cohesion, community empowerment, citizen participation and social inclusion...

Ended ProjectThe development of linguistic competence is one of the eight key competencies promoted by the EC. Despite Member States commitment to the promotion of foreign languages through enacting...

Ended ProjectBoth EU Parliament and EC highlight the role of social media in distribution of disinformation, undermining EU democracy and questioning our European common values...

Ended ProjectWhen we talk about "transition" we risk falling into the naivety of being able to transport the current system from one point to another but, as young people all over the world are pointing...

Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
This project aims to create practical and hands-on training resources and results that will help adults, adult trainers and SMEs in the tourism sector adopt sustainable tourism principles...
Ended ProjectThe increasingly pervasive digital transformation, exacerbated by the Covid-19 health emergency, has catapulted contemporary societies into a climate of continuous change...

Ended ProjectCultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) have been among the most negatively affected since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. If before, CCS institutions already struggled to respond...

Ended ProjectEven though European countries are showing positive motion towards the implementation of digital learning solutions, the Covid-19 pandemic is limiting and disturbing the ways VET...

Ended ProjectThe Active Citizens - Digital Citizens (ACDC) project focuses on the topic of digital citizenship and aims to create a comprehensive methodology based on a holistic approach that will build the capacity of youth workers from 5 countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Greece , Ireland and Portugal, in this field, and will benefit young people in their communities, through local activities...

Ended ProjectThe impact of technological solutions on development has been monumental, spurring innovations in health, finance, commerce, and a number of other sectors. However...

Culture, Digital Competences Ended ProjectEmerging information and communication technologies (ITC) and digitalization have been substantially changing the way the tourism industries operate and tourism businesses need to be well equipped to remain competitive and sustainable, provide quality service and engage travelers and fully capture opportunities in the digital marketplace...

Ended Project
The project titled “Innovative Creative Multiple Therapy Methods for Morbidities”, whose short name is NEWCRE has been prepared in cooperation with 5 countries from ES, NL, TR, FR, PT.
The expertise and experience of the project partners…

DSA: Digital Skills for All
Ended Project
The “DS4All” project develops over two years, during which the Partners will activate a virtuous circle of exchange, which will have as its primary focus the experimentation of innovative teaching methodologies integrated with digital tools,…

3D Digital VET
Ended Project
The greater impact will be at European/international level*Through the development of a short training course for health professionals that addresses the difficulties of introducing evidence and clinical guidelines into routine daily practice…

DigitALL Schools
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The proposal aims to foster the use of 3D technology in the medical sector through the introduction of a 3D online library for diagnostic and training materials. In order to take full advantage of the valuable training resources represented…
Development of hybrid training in VET
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
THE AIM of the initiated project is to introduce and develop hybrid-simulation training, which is proven and widely used in higher education (especially in medical studies), in VET. It is medical studies that prove that this method of teaching…
Improving Cybersecurity readiness of the European Vocational education and training sector
Ended Project
The European Union is facing an epochal challenge represented by the Covid-19 pandemic. Many sectors are strongly hitted by this crises and education is certainly one of them. More and more users are now forced to use online classes or training,…

Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.'-James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)Upon Erasmus 2nd Call,Covid-19 'Partnerships For Creativity' we, 6 partners- Sweden, Greece, Romania, Spain, Turkey…
Safe Digital Marketing for Agripreneurs
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The digital world has covered every aspect of our life. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic spread all over the world, people had to carry out all communication and business online more than ever before. Growing with the digital world, digital…
Digit@l Literacy Portal
Ended Project
This project aims to create an e-learning platform to provide individuals, who take part in every field of life like social, business and communication such opportunities to access correct and reliable information, analyse, question, evaluate…

New technologies threats for elderly
Ended Project
New technologies help people 65+ find easier a job, get online training, obtain new skills. For their leisure time and hobbies social media provide opportunities for making friends, attending cultural/sports events, sharing photos, videos,…

Promoting a Safe Use of Internet Against Cyberbullying
Ended Project
Cyberbullying of vulnerable young people is a reality and an increasing concern among all Erasmus+ countries. The recent events and heavy reliance on the internet caused by the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the need for an urgent response that…

Awareness and Preventions Skills on Cyberbullying and Online Hate Speech for shools children
Ended Project
Proposed project addresses the needs of partner organizations to have better prepared for the challenges informational society brings to our lives. Online dimension and the potential negative impact on democratic development amplifies its risks…

The “A” class
Ended Project
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder that affects everyone to a different degree. It can be termed as a lifelong complex developmental disorder, which is characterised by a triad of qualitative impairments in social communication, social…

Positive Parenting (P+)
Ended Project
One of the biggest challenges parents often face is managing their child behaviour. Especially for parents of children with autism (ASD), behavioural challenges can be even greater due to the child’s skill deficiencies (i.e communication).…

Not left behind children
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
No child left behind is a project initiated by the Noi Re-Cream Association based in Timisoara, Romania and realised in partnership with organization from five different European countries: Promipresa (Italy), Synthesis (Cyprus), KMOP (Greece),…
Social inclusion for seniors by sport
Ended Project
The project assumes cooperation in the adult sector. As part of the project, the team of sports coaches based on the objectives set out below, will jointly develop a program of sport and recreational activities. The new program will be tested…

Ended Project
‘’Geeks for Education’’ is a European Erasmus+ project (2020-1-FR01-KA201-080023), with a duration of 36 months, ending on August 31, 2023 and encourages collaboration and synergies between school education, industry and non-formal…

Ended ProjectIP4J project would like to develop, test and introduce a brand-new approach to the work-based learning for low-skilled and migrants starting from the career orientation/guidance and providing practical VISUAL training tools (booklet, videos, APP) for...

New Skills Development in Precision Agriculture
Ended Project
In 2010 European Commission proposed a 10 – year strategy which was triggered by the economic and social crisis that Europe fell into those years. The Europe 2020 Strategy has been the EU's agenda for growth and jobs over the decade. It emphasises…

Diversity Youth Manager
Ended Project
Digital literacy and 21st century skills play a crucial role, because all young people will have to have technological and digital skills & a flexible approach at work for the future and in everyday life. Therefore, the development and…

The Introduction Journey to the Game Development for NEETs
Ended Project
Game industry is a highly advanced technological sector. Involvement in games development, no matter if at professional level or as a hobbyist, provides the person with an important skill set which is important for their digital skills.

Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by Increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era
Ended Project
Disadvantaged young people from migrant/ minority communities those that are not media literate face multiple difficulties to function fully in a digital society and this affects their full and responsible online participation. Furthermore,…

Traditions, ethics and etiquette
Ended Project
The aim of the project is our participation in handling possible misunderstandings and preceding conflicts when coming into contact with people from other countries. It is important in a current situation in migration and tourism.
The priority…

Reducing Early Leaving in VET
Ended Project
Early leaving from education and training (ELET) is a serious issue in many EU countries and has attracted the attention of many researchers, policy-makers and educators. Although the situation varies across countries and the underlying reasons…

Youth work 2.0
Ended Project
Youth work plays an important role in enhancing social inclusion.
The aim of the project is to facilitate the exchange of competences and experience between 2 organisations from Romania and Spain to improve their youth work quality, through…

Parents’ skills as job opportunity
Ended Project
Being a parent seems to be an obstacle for employment and it causes often dropouts at work, especially for mothers . At the same time to become parents forces people to acquire precious skills that are required in the job market. Being a parent…

Code Your Future
Ended Project
This project we are doing is a work with innovative objectives in the field. It is envisaged to make a platform where the use of coding and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in our project will be more attractive to teachers and…

Developing Farmers’ Digital Skills
Ended Project
“Developing Farmers' Digital Skills” Erasmus+ KA2: Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education
The project is the result of a strong partnership with different European and Turkish organisations. The main goal is to bring farmers a…

European Lived Culture Connects
Ended Project
Traditions, habits and values are the backbone of our societies. People usually consider the place where their enculturation took place as their home. They identify with their societies and the latter gives them security and the standard they…

Development of environmentally-friendly (green) training for specialists in the construction sector
Ended Project
Most experts agree that over the next few decades, the world will undergo potentially dangerous changes in climate, which will have a significant impact on almost every aspect of our environment, economies and societies, and also, the built…

REnewed Models for the Inclusion of Disadvantaged Adults
Ended Project
The R.E.M.I.D.A. project intends to contribute to countering the problem of social exclusion of over-45 disadvantaged adults, in line with the actions implemented by Member States. Unemployment in the more adult age group risks to become crystallized…

Disability Youth Worker
Ended Project
Digital literacy and 21st century skills play a crucial role, because all young people will have to have technological and digital skills & a flexible approach at work for the future and in everyday life.Therefor, the development and promoting…

The Spirit of Europe
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectDigital Transformation Awards 2023 by Salto Joven
Play is an important activity for people of all ages. And since it essentially delivers learning regardless of genre, its content may be enriched with whatever knowledge the designer manages to accommodate while still keeping the product as…
Ended Project
The WE ARE NOT DIFFERENT project proposal comes from a consortium of 4 organizations engaged in adult education: the SMART EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS Association (Romania), Inercia Digital (Spain), LatConsul (Latvia), Polaris (Italy). The consortium…

Ended Project
In recent years the usage of the technology is not for producing mostly for consumption.Especially in 21st century, there is a new generation who uses technology just for the social media or games.We aim to grow a generation that produces technology…

3D Printing in VET
Ended Project
Even though 3D printers have been around for almost 30 years, the recent rise of low-cost printers has led some to proclaim the onset of a new industrial revolution. Schools and libraries all over the world are bringing these powerful tools…

Ended Project
E-MPROVER is a project proposal for a cross-sectors partnership consisting of SEP (applicant organization), Infolog, Inercia Digital and IED. The purpose of this project is to contribute to the social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities…

Media and information literacy in adult education
Ended Project
Media and information literacy in adult education" Erasmus+ strategic partnership project general objective is to exchange good practices and test innovative methods in media and information literacy. This will increase ability to think critically…

Made In EU/Safe Production in Children’s Wear
Ended Project
Due to the fact that children's textile products may be unsafe in the customs departments of the European Union, RAPEX (Rapid Alert System) notification is made and the products exported return from the customs. This situation prevents the…

Fostering Youth Initiatives through Social Entreprise Education
Ended Project
The main objective of the project is to equip youth workers from the participating organisations with the tools and knowledge to be able to train other youth workers and support young people in the development of new and innovative social entrepreneurial…

Developing STEM Competences with Robotics
Ended Project
According to recent estimates (McLeod, Scott and Fisch), around 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. We are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution…

ASSessing EFL StudentS
Ended Project
The project ASSESS aims to define innovative methods and tools for the assessment of EFL learners. Its main goal is to bring new approaches to assessment and contribute to development of evaluation consciousness. It also wants to support restoration…

Development of the Digital Marketing Competence of Adult Learners for Small and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in Europe
Ended Project
Emerging information and communication technologies (ITC) and digitalization have been substantially changing the way the tourism industries operate and tourism businesses need to be well equipped to remain competitive and sustainable, provide…

Change of Pace, Improve Learning Outcomes and Techniques
Ended Project
Without doubt, this digital era has affected our lives in many ways, among which education occupies a great part. Our students are all digital natives now, which means they are used to the high speed standards of this digital era. They live…

Transmission of Experience through Digitally Trained Senior Mentors to Mentees
Ended Project
Transmission of Experience through Digitally Trained Senior Mentors to Mentees (TEaTIME) project is a research-driven project aiming senior citizens who are regarded as digitally low-skilled but good at their current job and willing to transmit…
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