Project info

  • United in Diversity


  • KA210-YOU-744908D9

  • 01/03/2022 - 01/03/2023

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action Ka210

  • Call 2021

  • CEN

Project Description:

The United in Diversity small scale strategic partnership project will also increase adult educators’ capacity to work and provide key tools for social cohesion, community empowerment, citizen participation and social inclusion. The objective is to enhance the plight of youth workers within the Netherlands, Spain and Croatia thereby leading to a Europe united in diversity with lower levels of discrimination, social exclusion and radical extremist ideology amongst the youths.

The long-term mobility of youth workers project will include several different working methods. To address the needs and objectives in diversity field such as:

– Informal education methods and intercultural learning methods (ice breaking, brainstorming, simulations etc.) at the beginning of the training and as a part of the overall program. The training program will focus on interactive sessions where the youths map out solutions on how to redress social exclusion. Success of the project would also be reflected by enhancement of youth workers in social responsibility and capacity- building activities that contribute to living

together in dignity and dialogue through a network of specifically sharing experiences of youth workers who strengthen the presence and promote the values of diversity in the community.


  • Results Platform Project Card

  • Website

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