Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
2021 is the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables, which aims to raise awareness on the nutritional and health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption. Unfortunately, of the total amount of food that is produced globally for human consumption, roughly one-third of the world’s...
Sustainable Hospitality Digitalisation Toolkit
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The project will meet the needs of each participant: to advance its own representation in the market, apply its own competence, merge the competences and develop...
ABA – our new view in special education
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The elements of ABA science can be used not only in children with autism education, but also wide applicability in working with children with mental retardation, with social, emotional and behavioral disorder...
How to help the unemployed entrants with talent support
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The most urgent challenge of the European Union to help the entrants and the young people to step into labor market, and reduction of the unemployed people's number. As the statistics show, the low-educated people are disadvantaging...
Let-s make our school more international
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain. > Firstly, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in...
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
This project aims to create practical and hands-on training resources and results that will help adults, adult trainers and SMEs in the tourism sector adopt sustainable tourism principles...
DigitALL Schools
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The proposal aims to foster the use of 3D technology in the medical sector through the introduction of a 3D online library for diagnostic and training materials. In order to take full advantage of the valuable training resources represented…
Development of hybrid training in VET
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
THE AIM of the initiated project is to introduce and develop hybrid-simulation training, which is proven and widely used in higher education (especially in medical studies), in VET. It is medical studies that prove that this method of teaching…
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.'-James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)Upon Erasmus 2nd Call,Covid-19 'Partnerships For Creativity' we, 6 partners- Sweden, Greece, Romania, Spain, Turkey…
Safe Digital Marketing for Agripreneurs
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
The digital world has covered every aspect of our life. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic spread all over the world, people had to carry out all communication and business online more than ever before. Growing with the digital world, digital…
Not left behind children
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectGOOD PRACTICE
No child left behind is a project initiated by the Noi Re-Cream Association based in Timisoara, Romania and realised in partnership with organization from five different European countries: Promipresa (Italy), Synthesis (Cyprus), KMOP (Greece),…
The Spirit of Europe
Awarded Project, Ended ProjectDigital Transformation Awards 2023 by Salto Joven
Play is an important activity for people of all ages. And since it essentially delivers learning regardless of genre, its content may be enriched with whatever knowledge the designer manages to accommodate while still keeping the product as…Main Office
Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Huelva (PCTH, C. Caucho, 1, Edificio 2000, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva
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Inercia Digital Sevilla
Av. de Kansas City, 54, 4º A, 41007, Sevilla.
Inercia Digital Training and Innovation Centre
Miguel Hierro, Pl. Tallista M. Hierro Barreda, 9A, 21007 Huelva.