Project info

  • DigitALL Schools

    DigitALL Schools

  • 2020-1-PL01-KA226-SCH-096232

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Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action ka226

  • Call 2020

  • CEN

Project Description:

The proposal aims to foster the use of 3D technology in the medical sector through the introduction of a 3D online library for diagnostic and training materials. In order to take full advantage of the valuable training resources represented by the medical images produced by hospitals, there’s need for easy and open access to them and
specific training is needed to maximize the use and the benefits of using these educational resources.
The main objectives of our project are:
1. To strengthen EU health professionals training and education by developing a powerful Open Educational Resource in the form of an online library (Al3xandria) that collects medical
images produced by the hospitals.
2. To support the initial and continuous professional development of teachers, trainers and mentors through development of a specific training course focused on using Ale3andria and
the 3DMM in health professionals teaching
3. To support students, health professionals and other learners to use the digital technologies, like 3D printing and virtual realityVR, in creative, collaborative and efficient ways by
providing them access to both 3DMM and training resources that allows them to gain the required skills and knowledge.
Most important results of the project:
– a 3D medical library – Al3xandria for the use of VET trainers at bachelor, master`s degree, research and continuous professional development levels;
-a Curriculum: 3D medical digital models in health professionals teaching;
-a VET training programme: 3D medical digital models in health professionals teaching;
-a VET training Methodological guidelines: 3D medical digital models in health professionals teaching for the use of trainers.
The project is directed at VET trainers/learners and health professionals. Another beneficiary of this project will be various stakeholders from the health sector, bio engineering, universities,
post secondary schools, other training providers who will be offered access to the virtual 3D images library, to learning materials methodologies and piloting report useful for improvement of
healthcare professions education and healthcare services through use of the project outputs.
The project methodology has been inspired by the following theories and approaches:
– Self directed learning
– Valorization of previous experiences and competences possessed by the partners
– Maximization of existing synergies
– Inclusion of technology in supporting learning
This project will produce materials for a European training course that will equip healthcare professionals from Europe with insights and practical skills that are needed to
implement new skills and resources in their daily routine practice in order to provide an enhanced provision of care and innovate up to date the healthcare field.
Computing technology has transformed the scope for nonformal and informal learning activities. In online learning environments, learners now have access to a range of learning resources supplemented by concrete artefacts such as visualisations and simulations that relate more closely to their real-world experience and by the rich social context afforded by networking. Digital learning has greater scope than ever before to be integrated with the learner’s everyday life. Its central challenge, as recognised in the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers, is to make sense of the role of the teacher in contexts where learners have such freedom to be active and, in particular, how to direct and assess their

The principal objective of our project is to promote using approite educational tools as a new practice that promises to integrate and bring coherence to the dual perspectives on distance learning and on digital learning.And folowing aims are:
1-development of digital competences of teachers(information and data literacy, digital content creation, communication and collaboration, safety, and problem solving
2-provide teachers developing digital content via our LTTs and e-Learning courses.
3-provide teachers use appropriate technology tools for assessment/context creation/collaboration.
4-use effective strategies for teaching online and/or blended/hybrid learning environments.
5-use technology to differentiate instruction to meet diverse learning needs
6-To create our Digital Education policy in our institutions.

Our project is part of a bigger project – beyond the scope of Erasmus+, but aligned to one of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIGITAL STRATEGY motivating underlying objectives of making the best use of digital technologies to work in harmony with Member States.DigitALL Schools project reports reflects the views of students, teachers, principals and district administrators on digital learning tools. Including the perspectives of those most familiar with the impact of digital tools in schools can lend important clarity for those seeking to develop new and innovative ways to help teachers teach and help students learn. Our project will provide understanding current access to and availability of educational digital tools, criteria for selecting and purchasing digital learning tools, perceptions of the value and utility of digital learning tools,perceptions of the effectiveness of digital learning tools.

In this project, we have 4 foreseen project meetings are will be realized with 2 staff from partner organisations as
M1:Kick Off Meeting in Poland
M2:1st Intermediate Meeting in Slovenia
M3:2nd Intermediate Meeting in Hungary
M4:Final Meeting in Turkey
Furthermore, there are 2 foreseen continuous LTTs are to train participants on digital learning tools(Content creation, assessment, collaborative working tools)and industry 4.0 tools(Robotics,3D printing, VR&AR).The 1st TE is in Spain with 25 participants will be referred to as Education 4.0 Tools activities.The 2nd TE with same participants on Digital Learning Tools activities in Finland.

The trained teachers/staff will have involve in the E-Learning Platform (IO1)will consist of e-Learning courses about digital learning tools.It will be developed by OLEMISEN BALANSSIA. This platform will be used for K-12 teachers. This platform will offer e-learning courses, lesson plans, and interactive resources for the users.All the concept,outputs and the sample school/organisational Digital Learning Policies will be take place in the DigitALL Schools Guide(IO2) will be developed by INERCIA DIGITAL to assist teachers how to use digital leraning tools in school education with sample lesson plans.At the end DigitALL Schools Conference (E1)will be realized in Poland with 45 audiences from local and foreigner partners and stakeholders.The project guide will be delivered in Polish and English in the conference.

The project main training strategy is based on the Open Educational Resourcese (OERs) approach. All didactic materials and tools will be realized in digital format, available on line and licensed.We strongly believe that our project will have long-term benefits in all the partner schools involved as, since the beginning of this partnership,we intend to create a project which could enable all the participant schools to work together and create added value within all the innovative educational approaches learned,applied,shared and disseminated in the project.

Teachers and other beneficiaries will get hands-on experience on how to use innovative mobile apps and tools in the teaching and learning process.This project will obviously impact on the whole school and organisaitons,as participants will become more active and competent in using digital tools.The other innovative side of our project is enable all partners to have a digital learning policy and to realize this need and will point out this need to other institutions
