Project info

  • STAR

    Sustainable Travellers – a guide to environmental, touristic sustainability

  • 2021-1-EL01-KA210-ADU-000034902

  • 01/11/2021 - 01/07/2023

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action Ka210

  • Call 2021

  • CEN

Project Description:


This project aims to create practical and hands-on training resources and results that will help adults, adult trainers and SMEs in the tourism sector adopt sustainable tourism principles and practices. The people who will interact with the results, will be motivated to change behaviour, acquire green skills and help fight climate change. While doing so, they will also learn about the Green Deal, reducing waste and energy. Sector tourism and companies providing tours. TG: adult trainers, SMEs


The activities implemented are:

Training resources for sustainable practices

A free game app to educate adults becoming sustainable travellers

A generic tour promoting the fight against climate change, adopting sustainable tourism practices and promoting European Green Deal and Identity

Project meetings, activities to raise project awareness

Policy suggestions

Collaboration between the partners and involvement of the target group members into the project activities for feedback (workshops, media)
