Project info

  • SDSA

    Strengthening the digital skills in adult education

  • 2022-1-EL01-KA210-ADU-000080736

  • 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2024

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action Ka210

  • Call 2022

  • CEN

Project Description:


The objectives of this project are based on providing adults with the necessary tools and skills to bridge the digital divide through training based on the development of digital competences and making them digitally literate, as well as helping them to advance in society in terms of ICT, thus improving their ease of use in their daily tasks.


– Project management – Methodology on digital literacy in adults over 55 in Greece and Spain

– Training for teachers: Strengthening the digital skills in adult education: We will organise these training events as workshops where the participants will learn new digital tools and how to use them in order to foster employability and to succeed in the workplace.

– Strengthening the digital skills in adult education for the management team: assessing training activities, using the methodology. Impact The expected results of this project are positive, an improvement in terms of the skills of adults who are unaware of the digital age and the changes that have been implemented in recent years. In the event that any aspect fails and the objectives proposed at the beginning of the project are not met, they will be modified and adapted so that when it is repeated, the results will be positive.
