Project info

  • Let-s make our school more international

    Let-s make our school more international

  • 2015-1-MK01-KA101-002734

  • 01/06/2015 - 31/05/2016

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action ka101

  • Call 2015

  • CEN

Project Description:

The ICT provision and use in European schools is improving but several obstacles remain.

> Firstly, whilst teachers are using ICT for preparing classes, ICT use in the classroom for learning is infrequent. Teacher training in ICT is rarely compulsory and most teachers devote spare time to private study.
> Secondly, students and teachers have the highest use of ICT and ICT learning-based activities when schools combine policies on ICT integration in teaching and learning. However, most schools do not have such an overarching policy.
Despite the fact that having access and positive attitudes towards implementing ICT into their teaching and learning, teachers often find this difficult and require on-going support – not only technical but also pedagogical.
The school is constantly looking for ways to modernize in order to increase the quality and capacity of teaching. The teaching staff is always ready to meet the challenges created by modern education. Following the guidelines of the educational system of the country and European trends, part of a strategy for the development of the school is the increase of competencies and skills of teachers and the capacity of the school for the application of ICT in teaching. In this direction several steps were taken such as Edubuntu training and teaching of some basic courses on the application of computer technology, Application of Google Drive in teaching, training on the use of e-grade system and electronic data in the school, 11 offices equipped with computers, projector and Internet in order to increase the application of ICT in teaching. We have good experience with projects.

Overall objectives
Enhance the key competences and skills on ICT and learning performance of young people attending schools in TETOVO area
Foster quality improvements, innovation excellence and internationalisation at the level of educational institutions.

Specific objectives
To acquire and to improve new competences of teachers and other educational staff linked in ICT. Contributing to the creation of a more modern, dynamic and professional environment inside SMP; ready to integrate good practices and new methods into daily activities, planning strategically the professional development of their staff in relation to individual needs and organisational objectives.
To increase the capacity of SMP to operate at EU level

The project has set up a training programme of 3 seminars (55 hours each) to be held in Seville, focus on ICT integration in school management and education activity. Participants will be 4 staff member of the School each training seminar.

Each seminar has been followed by an activity in which participants experimented best practices discussed in the seminars with their colleagues and students. The activity to carry out will be decided with Inercia Digital and SMP tutors help (duration at least of 1 month). At the end of the activity participants will report the benefits and problems carrying out such tasks.


  • Results Platform Project Card

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