Project info

  • ErasMUSeum

    Digital ErasMUSeum Learning

  • 2020-1-SE01-KA227-SCH-092462

  • 01/03/2021 - 28/02/2023

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action ka227

  • Call 2020

  • CEN

Project Description:

‘Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found.’-James Russell Lowell (1819-1891)
Upon Erasmus 2nd Call,Covid-19 ‘Partnerships For Creativity’ we, 6 partners- Sweden, Greece, Romania, Spain, Turkey came together to develop an educational partnership aiming to improve a shared vision on how IT can help making learning a reality for students and teachers based on cultural heritage. This new perspective developing IT skills and competences encourage creativity and boost quality, innovation and recognition of school work. During the Covid-19 pandemic across the EU, countries, regions and cities, we’re stretching out a helping hand to education, giving assistance through cultural heritage. As cultural heritage shapes identities, offers a solid basis of ideas and values, people realise the need to keep the past and pass it on to future generations in the form of stories, objects, cuisine or traditions. Our partnership is such a creativity that ties past, present and future. We underline the importance of cultural heritage teaching as it shapes identities for next generations. In an effort to find proper procedures to teach cultural heritage, we applied surveys to school community. As a result it was noted that the best way is ‘Museum Learning’. Museums offer students different educational models, providing the opportunity to evaluate the knowledge they acquire at school from a different perspective. As the focus of many lifelong learning initiatives is on IT, it provides an additional opportunity for Museums and galleries to fully commit themselves to the learning enterprise. Αt the dawn οf the recovery plan ( Covid-19) we turn the immense challenge, face into the opportunity not only by supporting the recovery but also by investing in our teachers and students future: the digitilisation of cultural heritage will boost growth, the resilience of our societies and the lifelong learning of the participants. During our project,digital technology will have a vital role in reaching the connected audience, in a way that will support the generation and representation of knowledge in,by and for diverse communities.We’ll use this practice to reach and engage with all target groups.As our virtual museums will throw open its digital doors to a wider audience, give to virtual visitors a behind-the-scenes look at its artworks and the stories surrounding the artworks in its collections. This digital transformation will take many forms, from enabling museum visitors to use smartphones or tablets to enhance their experience,engage with people before or after their visits via online channels.This practice is an innovative big hit that would seem incredible to previous generations.
Our project is transnationally and innovative because it is based on open and innovative practices in a digital era, promoting the acquisition of skills and competences,raise awareness and appreciation of heritage, values and culture to strengthen the common sense of European identity.As our ambition lives up to the challenges we are all facing, we quest to ensure an effective response,which will reach out to our project partners and everybody in the EU in general. Our partnership will support the development of new pedagogical approaches and in particular e-learning tools and on line collaborative platforms where pupils and teachers will be able to learn, teach and co-create content of courses.
-understand the notion of culture by identifying own cultural heritage, enhancing adaptability to diverse cultures
-understand the significance and recognize the contribution of cultural heritage in our life
-use open and innovate teaching-learning evaluation process in a digital era
-improve teachers’ practices and create new pedagogical materials
-encourage lifelong learning,critical thinking and creativity in all project activities through cross-curricula -support achievements to be taught in curriculum with activities related to objects in museums
-give students,teachers and participants the opportunity join actively in project activities for both genders equally and improve language skills
-practice in the use of portable learning and IT improve management competences and internationalization strategies
-create throughout the multicultural experience a more modern, dynamic and professional environment
-provide students, teachers and participants with the opportunity to research and work with primary sources through the objects in museums
-increase awareness of European values and European citizenship
-develop digital competencies of teachers, students, parents and educational institutions for free educational resources
Target groups:students,teachers,schools,institutions and their administrations,parents,local authorites, members of museum and digital company in our project.
Intellectual Outputs:Mobile Museum,Museum Learning with MOOC
Final products: Website, e-books with QR codes, Virtual Museum
