Project info

  • Change of Pace, Improve Learning Outcomes and Techniques

    Change of Pace, Improve Learning Outcomes and Techniques -CO-PILOTS

  • 2019-1-TR01-KA201-074890

  • 02/09/2019 - 01/09/2021

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action ka201

  • Call 2019

  • CEN

Project Description:

Without doubt, this digital era has affected our lives in many ways, among which education occupies a great part. Our students are all digital natives now, which means they are used to the high speed standards of this digital era. They live in an environment enclosed with Internet and they are much more different than what their peers were 10 years ago . Those technologies effect how we live, work and learn. According to the results of the PISA 2012, it is suggested that students who use computers moderately at school tend to have somewhat better learning outcomes than students who use computers rarely. Using computers and similar technological tools in education is a must nowadays. Within our Project, we will introduce various Web 2.0 tools both to students and teachers and how to use them in education settings. Web 2.0 tools enable active and collaborative learning. In order our students to fully engage in the future workforce, our education systems have to provide them with the skills and capacities for 21st century citizenship—global awareness, creativity, collaborative problem-solving, self-directed learning . In today’s world, it is impossible to use traditional teaching/learning techniques to teach the ‘connected’ technology savvy students of the 21st century.
