Project info

  • Disability Youth Worker

    Disability Youth Worker

  • 2018-2-PL01-KA205-051359

  • 31/12/2018 - 29/09/2020

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action ka205

  • Call 2018

  • CEN

Project Description:

Digital literacy and 21st century skills play a crucial role, because all young people will have to have technological and digital skills & a flexible approach at work for the future and in everyday life.
Therefor, the development and promoting quality of disability youth work is crucial for inclusion in socio-economical environments and promoting digital empowerment allowing greater synergies across all fields of actions concerning young people with special focus on autonomy, participation with active citizenship, notably for those at risk of social exclusion by enhancing critical thinking and media literacy, sense of initiative and promoting entrepreneurship education.
We will empower the marginalised young people to take charge of their own life. They will learn new technical skills like vlogging, but also intra/entrepreneurial skills & coaching techniques to make them more employable in the future and put ideas into practice, it will also empower them to become active EU citizens & tackling challenges of discrimination and poverty through the aid of culture and vlogging and developed this into sustainability by promoting diversity, common values of freedom, enhancing critical thinking, media literacy & strengthening their sense of initiatives. We will create two training pathways : Disability Youth Worker and Digital Enterprise.

This project will also promote quality youth work by developing youth workers/trainers to engage with marginalised young people & strengthen cross-sectorial cooperation. They will be able to offer education provision to marginalised young people, that is seen as relevant to their personal development & incorporate new learning methods. It will attract young marginalised people to be involved in education and training as learner. The trainers will enjoy developing practical learning activities as the young people will develop skills and develop sustainable & innovative ideas with new technology. This type of project is only workable in association with partners who have the relevant skills and experiences.
This project develops a new approach to strengthen the education and training paths of youth worker by developing the capability to design, resource and facilitate entrepreneurial workshops & citizenship skill development with modern media usage like vlogging and coaching methodology that are attractive & educational for young people. The youth workers will gain skills and competencies in innovative training skills for empowering young people and promote active citizenship within young people across different cultures.
We will also use Youthpass certification & the EQAVET system which will promote high quality of youth work & training paths.
