Project info

  • Developing STEM Competences with Robotics

    Developing STEM Competences with Robotics

  • 2018-1-NO01-KA202-038813

  • 01/11/2018 - 30/04/2021

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action ka202

  • Call 2018

Project Description:

According to recent estimates (McLeod, Scott and Fisch), around 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. We are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) that emphasizes on automation, cyber-physical systems and the internet of things (IoT) and in such a rapidly evolving landscape, the ability to anticipate and prepare for future skills requirements is increasingly critical for individuals as well as for organizations in order to fully seize the opportunities presented. Hence, 21st century skills such STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) and digital competencies, analytical and critical thinking, team spirit and cooperation, are deemed necessary to enhance one’s educational capacity and to increase future employability opportunities, while adapting and keeping up-to-date with modern technology.
