Project info

  • DSA: Digital Skills for All

    DSA: Digital Skills for All

  • 2020-1-IT01-KA226-VET-008931

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Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action ka226

  • Call 2020

  • CEN

Project Description:

The “DS4All” project develops over two years, during which the Partners will activate a virtuous circle of exchange, which will have as its primary focus the experimentation of innovative teaching methodologies integrated with digital tools, in an inclusive perspective; together with a reflection on didactic programming capable of “changing the rules of the game”, making distance learning agile and light, without giving up its important educational task.The “DS4All” project was born from the experience of digital distance learning required during the covid-19 pandemic, and tries to respond to the need to convey a critical use of a resource prescribed for a specific need, transforming it into a new opportunity for the entire context educational. At the basis of the project is the idea that thanks to the experience of people with Learning Disabilities we will be able to bridge the digital gap, which has grown over the years, in fact, even before distance learning, children were, in any case, present in our schools and young people who not only could have used the computer as a support tool for their study activities, but who specifically need it. When a student with specific difficulties is found in the classroom, the technological tool takes on the guise of a resource whose use arises from a special need and therefore cannot depend on the good will of the teacher, as well as during the pandemic, the use of digital it was an essential decision. But in both cases, what is evident is that without a critical, conscious and, let’s add, creative use of technology, without a strategic and methodological approach, the risk of ineffectiveness of the technological equipment is high, a consequence that often causes further frustration, malaise, lowering of motivation and self-esteem. From the design point of view, the added value that the training exchanges will bring is attributable to the possibility of experimenting, by didactic leaders, teachers, educators, didactic tutors, trainers and VET designers, new digital tools and methodologies to enhance teaching integrated for the benefit of its students, especially those with specific Learning Disorders or Special Educational Needs.The dialogical meeting between VET operators and experts in the digital sector will allow the VET staff to be updated on new strategies for an increasingly effective and inclusive teaching, which is able to profitably use the advantages offered by new technologies. The “DS4All” project develops over two years, during which the Partners will activate a virtuous circle of exchange, which will have as its primary focus the experimentation of innovative teaching methodologies integrated with digital tools, in an inclusive perspective; together with a reflection on didactic programming capable of “changing the rules of the game”, making distance learning agile and light, without giving up its important educational task.
Thanks to “DS4All” a real dialogic meeting will take place, a contamination between professionalism, needs and intentions: the consequence of this integration will consist in a shift of teaching teaching on more experiential and proactive ways, able to promote effectiveness beyond that students’ reflexivity in learning also thanks to the strengthening of their digital skills. The outcome of these exchanges will flow into:
• Benchmarking analysis about the use of distance learning in partner countries and the integration of compensatory software;
• “Webinar DS4All”, free webinars for direct target of the project;
• Report on the applicability of the “Flipped Classroom” in the VET field;
• Toolkit on didactical planning strategies in the VET field, able to integrate not only digital and IT resources but also a different temporal programming.
Thanks to the constant collaboration with Associations and public bodies that support families and students with learning disabilities or from vulnerable groups, the project partners will have the opportunity to enhance a more sensitive approach to these needs in the Vocational Training Centers involved, this will create a positive impact on openness to change, so that new learning can be drawn from it.
