Flipped Classroom Methodology (DS12019)


“Engage your students with lectures or other materials outside of class to prepare for an active learning experience in the classroom”

Objective of the course: The general objective of the course is to equip teachers and students with the basic tools necessary for implementing investment learning in their classroom. The course also seeks to underline the importance of creating a student-centred classroom by moving instruction home. Therefore, the course will focus on training personnel and teachers from educational centres in the use of digital tools to create engaging instructional videos and develop interactive, collaborative, hands-on classroom activities that foster self-directed learning skills.


35 hours (5 days).


  • To understand the components of a Flipped Classroom and how to successfully implement it in class.
  • To create ‘lectures’ via various media methods.
  • To use the methodology of Flipped Classroom and digital recourse to improve the classes.
  • To learn how to guide students on an individual and group basis in class.
  • To create a Flipped Classroom lesson plan.
  • To understand how to assess a flipped classroom project.
  • To promote ICT teaching to boost the learning in the educational system.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will be enabled for the implementation of innovative teaching methods.
  • Participants will know the different tools for flipping sections for additional ideas for in-class and out-of-class activities.
  • Participants will encourage the use of information technologies.
  • Participants will create a Flipped Classroom lesson plan.
  • Participants will use different tools to assess the teaching-learning process.
  • Participants will determine what type of out-of-class content to develop that would best support student learning.
  • Participants will be able to integrate digital tools into daily work.