Project info

  • Theory of Change

    Theory of Change – The use of the art of Rhetoric Speech as an innovative tool in education and training of migrant children in language learning, empowerment, and social integration activities

  • 101141204

  • 01/03/2024 - 31/08/2025

Project info

  • AMIF

  • Action amif

  • Call 2023

  • CEN

Project Description:

Based on the OECD ‘Making integration work’ volume on young migrants, there are a host of challenges preventing them from taking advantage of their host society’s educational system. Language learning, for young migrants, is essential if they are to live in their host country and thrive in their new society. One way to safeguard this is to ensure that children are actively involved in these processes in a sustainable and child-friendly manner. In order to achieve this, the Project aims in designing and implementing critical thinking and critical talking activities (Rhetoric Speech), in which each of the partner organisations will select front line professionals (coaches) (e.g. teachers, youth workers, community officers, child protection workers and, educators in learning and development.), and create specialised training sessions in the form or non-formal education and experiential learning activities, aimed at training young migrants about the language of their host country and stakeholders on how to empower young migrants through language learning activities and training. Migrant children from all backgrounds, vulnerabilities, and nationalities as well as children with fewer opportunities or in danger of social or economic marginalization, will be trained through various project activities. The Project aims at enabling children to learn about the values of democratic citizenship, respect and promotion of human rights, equality and social justice, and respect to nature and the planetary boundaries, through experiential learning and non-formal learning methodologies such as Rhetoric Speech Activities. The Lundy Model will be used by partner organisations as a guideline, providing a way of conceptualising Article 12 of the UNCRC. Children will be given safe, inclusive opportunities to form and express their views, they will be facilitated to express their views, their view must be listened to, and the view must be acted upon appropriately.


  • Results Platform Project Card

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