Project info

  • E4M 4.0

    Entrepreneurship competences in I4.0 and A.I lead migrants to inclusion

  • 2023-1-EL01-KA220-ADU-000159147

  • 16/11/2023 - 15/11/2025

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action Ka220

  • Call 2023

  • CEN

Project Description:

Objectives: What do you want to achieve by implementing the project?

The objectives we want to achieve are:

O1: Have more skilled migrants in entrepreneurship in innovative sectors (such as industry 4.0 or artificial intelligence) by  providing them with educational materials made by migrants from the same country of origin

O2: Reducing migrant unemployment by giving them jobs or by offering subcontracts to their social enterprises

O3: Make migrants feel more included in local society thanks to the connections between entrepreneurs and migrants

Implementation: What activities are you going to implement?

  1. Analysis and a platform for job match for migrants in I4.0 and A.I. sectors with a list of services/products that local SMEs can subcontract to social cooperatives.
  2. Training migrants on entrepreneurship
  3. Video to make products with A.I. or I 4.0 in migrants’ original language

5 Mentoring migrants’ process of integration and creation of social cooperatives

6 Monitoring services given by enterprises (subcontracting) to social cooperatives of migrants

7 Migrants’ storytelling

Results: What project results and other outcomes do you expect your project to have?

R1: videos made by migrants showing how to create a product with new technologies in the mother tongue of the migrant (for example, with 3dprint, with laser cutting.)

R2: stories told by migrants about their migration, their daily life, their dreams in their mother tongue with subtitles in the local language

R3: job offers for migrants/subcontracting for their social enterprise, inserted by local entrepreneurs in the platform

R4: social cooperative created by migrants

R5: migrants more skilled
