Inercia Digital is a company dedicated to training and innovation in digital and entrepreneurial skills whose activities include public vocational training, in classroom, distance, and tele-training modalities, with and without official accreditation oriented to labor insertion, as well as programmed training (FUNDAE).
Through the implementation of an Integrated Management System, based on the requirements of the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015 standards, the aim is to achieve continuous improvement in the quality of services and the performance of our organization’s activities, minimizing their environmental impact.
To this end, this policy is based on the following guidelines as basic pillars of the organization to achieve continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the management system, which will serve as the basis for the establishment of our annual objectives:
✔ Ensure the satisfaction of its users based on a treatment that is always appropriate and a continuous effort in the provision of the service based on their requirements and our commitment to continuous improvement.
✔ Achieve the legal requirements that apply to the application, as well as those requirements to which the organization subscribes, continually assessing compliance in all areas of activity.
✔ Avoiding pollution and ensuring reasonable and optimized use of the natural resources necessary for the development of our activities.
✔ Continuously improve the quality of our training services by setting objectives and targets to achieve these improvements.
✔ To improve permanently the competitiveness of our services, involving our users at all times and continuously adapting the developments to their needs, trying to collaborate through our services to correct management policies also among our users. The improvement of competitiveness will also result in better results and, therefore, in more and better-qualified end users.
✔ Ensure the continuous and permanent updating of our resources, both technological and, above all, of our personnel, promoting continuous professional training policies that allow them to advance in their knowledge at the same pace as our sector.
This policy will be reviewed for continuous adaptation annually by management, as well as the objectives and goals of the enterprise, and communicated to all personnel of the organization and made available to the public upon request by any interested party.
Signed: The management
Rev. 1 05.04.2023