Collaborative Tools for Teamwork (DS12018)


“Bring your team together with the latest technologies for collaborative and remote work. Improve the quality of interrelationship partnerships in your organization by using real-time cloud-based office and communication tools. Involvement shouldn’t be understood only from its associative consideration since it must include multiple kinds of interpersonal possibilities”.

Objective of the Course: The objective of the course is to train teachers, trainers and educational staff, in the effective management of existing collaborative tools in the cloud applied to education. The course will give the participants the digital tools that will help them integrate Information and Communication Technologies in their fields of work and will improve their overall teamwork.


35 hours (5 days).


  • Understand the concept of cloud computing and online collaborative work.
  • Use communication tools to organize the work in a collaborative way.
  • Organize and manage projects and task list in a team.
  • Use collaborative office suit.
  • Share and edit documents in the cloud.
  • Work in real time with documentation with the rest of the team.
  • Promote ICT teaching to boost the learning in the educational system.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will understand the basic principles of working online, and will become more familiar with the benefits of this type of collaborative work.
  • Participants will be able to create and share documents online.
  • Participants will know how to manage tasks and projects by using different tools.
  • Participants will be able to create a channel of communication with their team.
  • Participants will be able to integrate digital tools into daily work.