Inercia Digital is a vocational training centre of excellence specialising in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level.

It was appointed member of the ‘Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition’ of the European Commission in 2017, has received the Young Innovative Company Certificate by AENOR in 2015 and has been awarded as an innovative company by the Diputación de Huelva in 2023.

Drawing upon our area of expertise, over the course of recent years, we have designed and managed websites and e-learning platforms for a diverse range of educational institutions and providers, including schools, adult education centres, and vocational education and training (VET) facilities. 

Our primary objective has been to facilitate the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into their daily operations while concurrently developing comprehensive training programs focused on digital  and entrepreneurial competences, web-based tools, e-learning methodologies, virtual opportunities, and collaborative learning approaches.


Our mission is to promote training and innovation in digital skills at an international level, in order to produce significant changes in the field of education, promoting employment and active citizenship in the digital society.


Our vision is to become a benchmark Vocational Training Centre of Excellence specialised in training and innovation in digital skills at an international level.


  • We contribute to the European Union’s Inclusion and Diversity Strategy through the design and implementation of inclusive activities and initiatives, available to a diverse range of participants.
  • We work to promote sustainability both internally in our organisation and through our training programmes, always in line with the European Green Pact.
  • We promote participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement of young Europeans in line with the Youth Participation Strategy through our active Erasmus+ projects.

  • We are committed to digital competences and good use of ICT, to develop a high quality digital education ecosystem aligned with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.
  • We support the European Pillar of Social Rights to better protect citizens’ rights and contribute to a fairer and more respectful society.


We have therefore signed the following manifestos and declarations:


  • Inercia Digital has joined the AI Pact Initiative, a European Commission effort structured around two pillars: information exchange within the AI Pact network and facilitating company commitments.
  • Inercia Digital has joined the Andalusian Network of Conciliatory Entities (Red Andaluza de Entidades Conciliadoras), an initiative aimed at promoting gender equality, work-life balance, and shared responsibilities in both professional and personal spheres through collaborative efforts among Andalusian organisations.


  • Inercia Digital receives the Unstoppable Women Award – Call 2023: Award presented to Inercia Digital for being an INNOVATIVE company led by women that opens the first training and innovation centre of excellence in Huelva.
  • Execution of state-wide training programmes, aimed primarily at employed persons, under the call approved by Resolution of the State Public Employment Service of 4 July 2022..Nª Expediente: F221076AA
  • Implementation of state-wide training programmes, aimed primarily at employed persons, under the call for applications approved by Resolution of the State Public Employment Service of 4 July 2022..File no.: F221076AA F221076AA


  • Inercia Digital becomes part of the EETN network co-founded by the European Commission that brings together EdTech experts, innovators, higher education professionals and students, in order to connect the best specialists with the most creative minds from across Europe and provide them with the most relevant EdTech content, to foster innovation in the field of higher education in the European market.
  • Inercia Digital becomes part of the European Vocational Education and Training Research Network (VETNET) which covers a wide range of research and development activities in vocational education and training (VET). The field of VET-related research covers both initial VET and continuing vocational education and training, learning arrangements both at school and in the workplace, as well as the development of pedagogical knowledge for vocational and professional education.
  • Joining the KIT DIGITAL programme as Digitising Agents in 5 categories of the digital solutions catalogue.


  • Green Coalition


  • Manifesto “for enhancing digital competences across Europe”. Statement on Gender Equality in the business context: to promote an open and women-friendly corporate culture; to develop gender-sensitive corporate recruitment and human resources policies; to make top management and senior positions (mostly occupied by men) accessible to women; to identify women leaders to develop their strengths and to take on high-level roles in the company.


  • INSPIRA Manifesto: This manifesto constitutes a commitment by the people and organisations that adhere to it to work actively for equality between women and men in the scientific-technological field.
  • Manifesto “For Equal Opportunities in the ICT sector”


  • SUMATE Company Network #EActíVate to generate Employment, activate Companies of any size and Employees, promote Entrepreneurs and value Entrepreneurs (19/06/2020).
  • StartUp Europe  Web(29/11/2018).
  • eNEM, Multimedia Technologies and Digital Contents Platform (14/11/2018 ).
  • EURES Platform (09.08.2015) to offer internships to all European students.


Inercia Digital was appointed as a member of the “Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition” division of the European Commission in 2017, and has AENOR awarded us the Certificate of Compliance with AENOR EA0043 as a Young Innovative Enterprise in 2015. Besides, as a socially-conscious company that promotes lifelong learning, we are adhered to the Entrepreneurship and Youth Employment programme in Spain.

We are certified in ISO 27001: Information Security Management Systems, ISO 14001: Environmental Management Systems , and ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems.

Also, we are part of the list of companies who have committed to a gender-balanced work culture.


Main Headquarters

Main office

Huelva Science and Technology Park (PCTH, C. Caucho, 1, Building 2000, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva

Headquarters in Huelva
Inercia Digital Training and Innovation Centre

Miguel Hierro, Pl. Tallista M. Hierro Barreda, 9A, 21007 Huelva

Headquarters in Seville

Inercia Digital Sevilla

Kansas City Av., 54, 4º a, 41007 Seville

