Project info

  • TSQinVET

    Development of a Subsystem for the Assessment and Recognition of Qualifications Acquired in the Work of Specialists in the Transport Sector

  • 2021-1-LT01-KA220-VET-000032965

  • 01/12/2021 - 31/05/2023

Project info

  • erasmusplus

  • Action Ka220

  • Call 2021

  • CEN

Project Description:

In a rapidly changing world, new challenges arise in the day-to-day of companies belonging to different economic activities, but the skills they have acquired through professional training or higher or university education are often insufficient to solve them.

For this reason, this European project aims to create opportunities to identify, evaluate and validate the competences/qualifications acquired in the work of a person, in the logistics sector.This project is made up of the following partners:

– Vilniaus Jeruzalės darbo rinkos mokymo centras (VJDRMC) (Lithuania)
– Lietuvos vežėjų sąjunga (LVS) (Lithuania)
– Kvalifikacijų ir profesinio mokymo plėtros centras (KPMPC) (Lithuania)
– Nodibinājums «Smart Minds» (NSM) (Latvia)
– Fundacja Centrum Umiejętnosci Praktycznych (FCUP) (Poland)
– Digital Inertia (ID) (Spain)


  • Results Platform Project Card

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